As the holidays approach and the cry of children wanting a new pet under the Christmas Tree or on one of the eight nights of Hannukah turns shrill, Westside Today wanted to share with you some insights about poochs and their people.
“Saving one dog won’t change the world, but it will change the world for that one dog.†That’s Wags and Walks Rescue’s favorite quote and they never lose sight of it! Founded by Lesley Brog in 2010, Wags and Walks launched because Brog knew she wanted to do more for animals. As the daughter of a vet and a volunteer at various dog rescues, Brog learned the harsh reality that amazing, well behaved, beautiful “pets†were being dumped at local shelters.
Sadly, many of them will never leave: 5000 dogs are euthanized everyday in shelters due to lack of funds and space. Wags and Walks dedicates their time to physically visiting shelters, sometimes hours away. Wags & Walks aims to lower this number by taking pictures, getting to know the dog’s temperament, working with staff, and creating a plan to save their lives.
“I don’t just talk the talk,†says Lesley. “I am a take action kind of girl! I am also proud to teach my little girls empathy, compassion and kindness to animals first hand. This is what every mother wants to teach her children.â€
Sol Foundation (Sharing Our Love) named after her rescue dog Sol, was founded by Ashley Oelsen with a mandate to prevent cruelty to animals through education, awareness and advocacy. Oelsen created a distinct method to teach children about responsibility and kindness towards all bipeds and quadra-peds great and small.
Oelsen begins with weekly visits, with Sol by her side, to local schools and community centers to help students with their reading and writing curriculm. While helping with the basics, Oelsen and her trusty companion Sol demonstrate and explain that initial connection between kids and animals.
Sadly, many of Oelsen’s students share similar backgrounds including physical abuse, abandonment and neglect. In addition to the benefits students receive from the individual tutoring, Oelsen and her pet also teach these students how to bond with the animals, respect them and learn that with hard work, and responsibility they can find unconditional love in one another, something they may have never experienced.
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