The City of Malibu will be hosting Music Together Demonstrations at Malibu Bluffs Park (24250 PCH) on Monday, January 8 at 1:00 PM and Friday, January 12 at 10:30 AM.
The Department offers a variety of Creative, Health & Wellness, and Informative Workshops to the community. In the Music Together Demonstrations led by early childhood education specialist Cheryl Lev, families will sing, move and play children friendly instruments together. Music Together is a national award-winning parent-child music and movement program. The demonstration will be followed by six-week sessions that begin January 19 or January 22.
The workshop is free and pre-registration is required. To register for a community workshop call 310-317-1364. For more information about the instructors, class topics and materials visit or call 310-456-2489, ext. 239.