Twenty three 2012 Coronet Debutantes stepped through a huge floral-covered Coronet center stage in the International Ballroom of the Beverly Hilton Hotel Saturday evening, November 24. This was the sixty-third year that the Coronet Debutante Ball Board presented teenage girls who have distinguished themselves as Community Service Volunteers.
Many of the girls who were debuting were legacies. Megan Riordan’s mother was a Deb as was Jessica Lord’s, Brooke Rhoden’s and Julia Robinson’s mothers. Grace Kuhlenschmidt had four Coronet cousins. Anastasia Rivera-Hackley’s sister debuted. Third generation Kelly Kirshner’s sister and her mother, Suzanne Boone, were Coronets. Kelly’s grandmother, Mary Lou Boone, was presented at the first Coronet Ball. Representing the Debs of 1950 was The Honorable Linda Shoff McCausland, who came from Colorado for the occasion. Ball Director, Susan Hilton, had a lot of experience. Her mother was a Ball Director and Susan was a Coronet as were her two daughters.
The Presenter, Dr. Peter Moy, was all smiles as he realized that all went smoothly. Following the father-daughter waltz, the escorts cut in, then dinner was served and dancing lasted past midnight. Proceeds from the Ball will go to National Charity League, LA Founder Chapter, for their philanthropies.