A documentary film by Cyrus Sutton, Island Earth tells a rich tale of a young, indigenous scientist’s struggle for truth between science and tradition as he enters an industry that many feel is threatening his homeland. His complex journey through the inner workings of GMO (genetically modified organism) chemical companies and traditional Hawaiian elders reveals ancient values that can save our future.
Limited parking in the Malibu Bluffs Park lot, more parking available on Malibu Canyon Road. Patrons are encouraged to bring their own blankets or chairs. Food trucks onsite will also be selling a variety of food.
For more information, visit
The film is part of the ongoing pop-up exhibit, Sea Sick in Paradise, which opened in Malibu Village on July 8, 2017. DEPART Foundation’s Sea Sick in Paradise is presented by Karma Automotive in collaboration with the Laboratory for Environmental Narrative Strategies at UCLA (LENS) and Surfrider Foundation.