For November 20 through December 07:
12000 Wilshire Blvd.
12/16/15, 1010, the suspect (Male, Black, early 40’s) put medication into a bag. When an employee tried to stop him from leaving the suspect used force to move him out of the way and flee with the medications.
ASSAULT OR ADW (Assault with a Deadly Weapon): 1
12000 Wilshire Blvd. (Criminal Threats)
12/21/15, 1200, the suspect (Male, Black, early 30’s, transient) approached victim with two spears in his hand and threatened to kill the victim for no apparent reason. The victim fled and phoned the police who then took the suspect into custody for Criminal Threats.
1000 Bundy (residential)
12/15/15, 1530-2000, unknown suspect(s) jumped over a neighbor’s fence and entered victim’s house through an unlocked rear door. They removed victim’s property and fled with computer and camera equipment.
100 S. Woodburn (residential)
12/17/15, 0700-2130, unknown suspect(s) smashed victim’s side door, made entry and took victim’s property of currency and credit cards.
1100 Bundy (residential)
12/17/15, 2000 to 12/19/15, 2050, unknown suspect(s) opened victim’s rear bedroom window, and fled out the backdoor after stealing victim’s computer and camera equipment and currency.
11700 Wilshire (commercial)
On 12/20/15, 2200 to 12/21/15, 0145, unknown suspect(s) used a tool to smash the class front door of the business. They entered and removed $300.00 in currency.
12/13/15, 0100 to 12/13/15, 1700, while parked in a secured parking structure, a red 1970, Honda CT70 motorcycle was stolen.
11600 Mayfield
12/16/15, 2130 to 12/17/15, 0600, while parked in a parking structure, another vehicle was broken into and the suspects then found the key to the victim’s ( a friend) vehicle and stole it, a 2013 Chevy Cruz LTZ.
1100 Bundy
12/17/15, 2000 to 12/19/15, 2100, a 2006 Dodge Charger was stolen.
BFMV (Burglary and/or Theft from Motor Vehicle): 12
11600 San Vicente
12/12/15, 1900 to 2030, unknown suspect(s) used unknown type device to unlock victim’s vehicle and steal a massage table valued at $1,000.00
11600 Mayfield
12/16/15, 1000 to 12/17/15, 0630, unknown suspect(s) gained unforced entry into vehicle and ransacked vehicle. They took a key they found to another vehicle (a friend’s) in the garage and stole it.
500 Barrington
12/09/15, 1800 to 12/18/15, 1100, unknown suspect(s) smashed rear window and stole victim’s camera valued at $850.00
11900 Gorham
12/17/15, 1700 to 12/19/15, 2100, unknown suspect(s) accessed the inside of victim’s vehicle through unlocked door and removed wallet and credit cards.
11700 Mayfield
12/18/15, 2300 to 12/19/15, 0900, unknown suspect(s) accessed victim’s unlocked vehicle and stole clothing, jewelry, suitcase, laptop, wallet all valued at $6,000.00
11600 San Vicente
12/18/15, 1500 to 12/21/15, 1212, unknown suspect(s) possibly used a device to access victim’s vehicle and stole $25,000.00 in hair extensions and hair equipment.
1100 Barrinton
12/21/15, 0455, suspect (Male, Unknown, wearing a red beanie, no further info) smashed side window of vehicle and stole a bike that was inside.
600 Barrington
12/23/15, 2130-0945, unknown suspect(s) entered garage and smashed victim’s car window and stole shoes valued at $200.00
500 Barrington
12/24/15, 0900 to 12/27/15, 2030, unknown suspect(s) used a tool to smash front passenger window and stole GPS, currency and sunglasses.
1800 Westridge
12/25/15, 2000 to 2230, unknown suspect(s) removed victim’s purse from unlocked vehicle.
San Vicente/Carmelina
12/26/15, 2200 to 12/27/15 0645, unknown suspect(s) smashed victim’s car window and removed a ski jacket valued at $500.00.
700 Barrington
12/26/15, 1830 to 12/27/15, 1100, suspects (Male, White, in his 30’s and Female, White, in her 20’s with long hair) forced entry into vehicles and removed victim’s property valued at $300.00
11600 Wilshire Blvd (commercial)
12/01/15, 0800 to 12/16/15, 1200, unknown suspect(s) took victim’s package from mail room.
11600 Gorham (residential)
12/20/15, 2030, unknown suspect(s) stole package near the apartment mailbox common area.
200 Medio Drive (residential)
12/21/15 to 12/22/15, victim was having interior work done in her home. Unknown suspect(s) stole victim’s jewelry located in a bedroom closet valued at $45,000.00
11700 San Vicente (commercial)
12/24/15, 1600, unknown suspect removed victim’s cellphone after victim left it on a counter.
800 Gretna Green
12/13/15-12/26/15, victim was having work done within her home. Unknown suspect(s) took victim’s jewelry valued at $28,000.
There are a couple of noteworthy arrests that are worth mentioning. The folks of Westridge and Mandeville Canyon received a nice holiday present early on Christmas morning in the form of two arrests of burglary suspects — due to the quick actions of Westridge residents, who called in to the police and to the Palisades Patrol, an early morning car crash that had occurred on the 2100 block of Westridge. Palisades Patrol Security responded to the service call and checked the area for what was described as two males in dark hoodies involved in the crash. They observed the two suspects approximately 100 yards from the crash site. It appeared that they were leaving the scene. Palisades Patrol detained them and called for the police.
When LAPD officers arrived, they conducted an investigation and discovered the suspects had tools consistent with the commission of burglaries and that there was considerable property in their crashed rental vehicle that was possibly stolen. Both suspects have extensive criminal histories.
This was a great cooperative effort by the community, Palisades Patrol and the LAPD police/detectives, all working together toward the substantial arrest of two suspects with long criminal histories. Great job.
Another arrest, and one that is being processed as I type, is the arrest of a man today who was allegedly stealing mail/packages from doors and lobbies in the Brentwood area. He turned out to be on Federal probation for mail theft and had a history of committing identity theft and fraud. In his possession were ‘master type’ keys that were able to access multi-unit complexes and their postal boxes. He is also believed to have a methamphetamine habit. He will be ultimately booked by the Feds and faces some serious time. It is a great arrest by our hard working officers. Having mentioned this arrest, it’s a good time to remind folks that although you report incidents of mail theft/fraud after the fact to the Federal Postal Inspector, please call 911 immediately if there is any crime in progress, including mail theft, and hopefully we’ll be able to put more of these bad guys (and gals) in jail.
Thank you and may you all have a wonderful and SAFE New Year and celebration!!!
-Senior Lead Officer Maria Gray, LAPD West Los Angeles Division