Brentwood Green at Brentwood Science Magnet School
Minutes of September 2009 Board Meeting
September 22, 2009
1. The meeting was called to order at the home of Tom Safran at approximately 6:00 p.m. by Jackie Raymond, who chaired the meeting.
2. Present were: Laurel Davidson, Jackie Raymond, Barbara Goldenberg, Cyrille Weingarten, Dante Brown, Margie Zweizig and Larry Watts.
3. Also present were Jeanne Malia (Principal- BSMS), Charles Tripp (4th Grade teacher BSMS), Lois Hutchison (BSMS Parent & Booster Club) and Deirdra Martinez (Westside YMCA).
4. The minutes from the last meeting were not available as Ann Samson could not attend. Jackie will email to all.
5. Financial Report: Barbara Goldenberg reported we have approximately $22,000 in our account.
Old Business:
Principal�s Report: Jeanne Malia reported upon great academic progress by BSMS students. BSMS received an 800 Club award, with average test scores of 836, or 16 points above last year. It also advanced 10 points as measured by Academic Yearly Progress categories, which involved various sub group categories, including ethnic and socio-economic measures. There are 37 languages represented among the BSMS student body. She also described an environmentally positive program whereby pupils stack their styrofoam food trays in separate waste containers to keep them out of the regular waste stream.
. Meeting with LAUSD Administration: Jackie reported on a long anticipated meeting she, Barbara Goldenberg, and Marylin Krell, (president SBRA), had with Steve Zimmer, newly elected Board member, Dr. Morris, COO of LAUSD, Dina Cervantes, Westside community rep and Dr. Sharon Robinson, former BSMS principal. Although Steve Zimmer was familiar with Brentwood Green because Tom Safran had taken him on a tour before the election, Dr. Morris and Dina were not. They all reacted positively to our accomplishments at the school over these past 10 years. Zimmer stated support for opening access to BSMS for neighborhood children, particularly those in South Brentwood. Neighborhood children must apply to attend BSMS. The children now attend Kindergarten at BSMS, by right, but are not assured of getting into the higher grades, by right and continuing at BSMS. Others who apply to higher grades have a high probability of being admitted, but not by right. Currently the school student population is 1236, with a capacity of 1290.
Westside Y Youth House: Deirdra reported the Y�s Youth House�s after school program has been suffering from lack of participation, an average of about 15 ,when they need 35 participants for the programs to be viable. She says it is hard to compete with the free programs offered by the school. The Y is brainstorming in an effort to develop viable programs. One, under consideration, involves a program for pre-school age children. Jackie said she would be happy to post information about the Y programs on the Brentwood News community website:
Adopt a Tree Program: Barbara reported five trees have been adopted. There are 53 remaining to be adopted. She also explained she is in need of a clearer copy of our logo for
Bond Money Grant: Jeanne reported BSMS may be eligible for some grant monies from an existing bond fund. There is little information available on this at the moment.
Website: Dante Brown reported on her continuing efforts to develop a Brentwood Green website. She has talked with potential website developers and has a lead which she will pursue.
Environmental Plan: Charlie Tripp, a BSMS teacher, reported his planned Eco Enrichment Program. He explained that the goal is for teachers and students to assume an ownership interest in �learning gardens� and to understand the goals of the program. He described how a grade will �adopt� an area and an �Ambassador Program.� He explained the need for planter boxes and top soil and circulated three memos spelling out in more detail his ideas
Miscellaneous Matters: Barbara Goldenberg reported grants are available for Neighborhood Beautification Projects. Dante Brown said projects involving community participation are more likely to be accepted. Barbara thought the Brentwood Garden Club may have an interest in participating. She plans to apply for a Farm Garden grant by the October 20 deadline for submitting grant applications.
Barbara reported that the new WLA police captain, Evangelyn Nathan, is a Master Gardener and Barbara is encouraging her to participate in programs at BSMS.
Margie Zweizig reported there is a dead tree in the front yard, facing Gretna Green, and asked Jeanne permission to cut it down.
There being no further business, the chair adjourned the meeting at 7:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Larry Watts