City of Culver City schedules public hearing for 1111 Jefferson Boulevard development
By Chad Winthrop
A public meeting is set this month for a Culver City project that would replace a post office, Coco’s restaurant and Valvoline with an over 200-unit, mixed-use development.
On May 25, virtual community meeting focused on a development planned 11111 Jefferson Boulevard will take place from 6-8 p.m. The Community Meeting on the Project will begin at 6:00 P.M. and end at approximately 7:00 P.M. and will be followed by the Public Meeting on the Draft Environmental Impact Report (Draft EIR) at approximately 7:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M.
The 3.43-acre (149,553 square foot) property is currently developed with three single-story commercial buildings, surface parking, a parking lot that serves the proximate Exceptional Children’s Foundation (ECF). Among the tenets include a post office, Coco’s restaurant and Valvoline.
The development would construct up to 230 residential dwelling units, 19 of which would be affordable to very low income households, for a total of up to 244,609 sf of residential area including the residential lobby and amenity room; up to 55,050 sf of ground floor retail area, including a 38,600 sf market, 10,600 sf of restaurants, 3,900 sf of retail, and a 1,950 sf gym/studio fitness center; and up to 11,450 sf of second floor office uses within a five story building.
The building would be constructed atop one level of subterranean vehicular parking, with parking also provided on the first and second floor of the building. There would be a total of 653 parking stalls (308 stalls for residential, 311 stalls for commercial, and 34 spaces for an off-site use, the ECF). Vehicular access to the Project Site would be provided from three driveways: one on Sepulveda Boulevard at Janisann Avenue and two on Machado Road. The driveway on Sepulveda Boulevard and the east driveway on Machado Road (closer to Jefferson Boulevard) would serve retail, market, and office uses. The west driveway on Machado Road opposite Heritage Place would provide access for resident and resident guest parking, and for ECF parking all located below grade. A proposed traffic signal is also proposed at the intersection of Janisann Avenue and Sepulveda Boulevard.
The project would include private and publicly accessible open space, including: a public park at the corner of Machado Road and Sepulveda Boulevard, a public paseo area with an interior courtyard adjacent to the ground floor retail uses at the intersection of Sepulveda Boulevard and Jefferson Boulevard, and an open air courtyard at the third level of the development to serve the residential units.
Project construction would occur in one phase and is anticipated to commence as early as the second quarter of 2022 and be completed by the third quarter of 2024 for a total of approximately 26 months.
The Draft EIR can be viewed or downloaded at the Culver City Current Planning Division website.
The public review period for the Draft EIR begins on May 6. 2021 and ends on June 21, 2021. Written comments should be received by the City on or before June 21, 2021. Written comments should be labeled with “Subject: 11111 Jefferson Boulevard Mixed-Use Project Draft EIR” and be directed via email to Michael Allen or by mail to; Michael Allen, Current Planning Manager City of Culver City Current Planning Division 9770 Culver Boulevard, Culver City, CA 90232.
The meetings will be held in an online format using Zoom. You may join, view, and participate in the meeting by using the Zoom application, by your web browser, or by phone. Register for the virtual meeting by visiting:11111 Jefferson Zoom Meeting