The City of Santa Monica is holding its annual street-by-street homeless count Wednesday evening from 10.30 p.m. The City is joining the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority and communities across the county in conducting the count.
“This annual count is a vital tool in establishing annual homeless priorities and is especially important this year as the region copes with a growing homeless crisis,” the City said. “Homelessness increased by 23 percent throughout the county last year with a 26 percent increase in Santa Monica.”
WHEN: Wednesday, January 24, 10:30 p.m. – 2:30 a.m. Rain or shine.
WHERE: St. Monica Catholic Community Grand Pavilion, 725 California Ave., Santa Monica.
WHAT: The Count begins at St. Monica Catholic Community Grand Pavilion with a kick-off event and training. Volunteers then deploy from St. Monica’s in teams to cover every area of the City by foot and by car to conduct a visual count of people sleeping in public spaces. At the same time, homeless individuals will be counted in shelters, transitional programs, local area hospitals and other overnight facilities.
WEAR: Warm clothing and comfortable walking shoes.
BRING: Gloves, hats and scarves to donate to local agencies who will distribute them to people on the street.