The John Wayne Cancer Institute Auxiliary (JWCIA) honored Sheryl A. Ross, MD with the Angel Award and Paige More with the Public Service Award at its Annual Membership Luncheon and Boutique, Oct. 19, 2017, at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel.
Auxiliary board members Marisol Zarco and Katie Lewis, returning as event co-chairs for the fifth consecutive year, welcomed the more than 350 guests, before introducing Sister Maureen Craig, Saint John’s Health Center Foundation chaplain, to offer the invocation. They went on to welcome to the stage Marc Thaler, a talented young artist and designer, who created “Art with a Purpose” after losing his mother to breast cancer. The organization translates Thaler’s passion into apparel and art pieces, the sales of which benefit cancer research.
The 2017 Angel Award was presented to Sheryl A. Ross MD, aka “Dr. Sherry,” an award-winning obgyn, entrepreneur, author and women’s health expert who has been practicing obgyn for 25 years in Santa Monica. Author of the book, “she-ology: The Definitive Guide to Women’s Intimate Health. Period.,” Dr. Sherry is co-founder of Cycl, the first of its kind wellness brand for women by women based on the seven distinct and individualized cycles women experience in their lives. Her mission is to change the narrative of how women talk and learn about their intimate health and overall well-being.
Anita Swift, Auxiliary president and granddaughter of John Wayne, noted “Everyone in this room has, in some way, been touched by this disease. Those of us on the Auxiliary Board are in the very fortunate position of seeing, first-hand, how the money we raise is being used in the on-going battle to conquer it.”
Swift presented the 2017 Public Service Award to cancer survivor Paige More who underwent a preventative double mastectomy after finding out she had the BRCA 1 genetic mutation. More documented her experience on social media to share her story and raise awareness. She formed a group she calls Breasties and rallied a community of young women who have been affected by breast cancer. “I beat cancer before it had a chance to beat me,” said More.
John Wayne Cancer Institute Board Chairman and son of John Wayne, Patrick Wayne accepted a check for $317,184 from the Auxiliary. “It’s so gratifying,” said Wayne, “to look around this room, to see old friends and new and to know that we share a challenge. There truly is strength in numbers and I know we won’t stop until we find a cure!” For more information, please visit