Write On’s Guided Goals.
Everyone has at least one project they want to get done over the summer. What’s your main summer goal? Are you planning to write a book? Start a blog? Complete a home improvement project? Or are you looking to do something personal, such as find a hobby, take up a physical activity or make time to bond with your family?
No matter what your goal, you need an action plan.
Side Projects
Start with brainstorming. For the business-related items, write down everything you think you need to do in order to get it done. This should include creating the concept or outline, and then the benchmarks and tasks needed to get it done.
Once you have your big list, map it out. Figure out what is feasible to get done each week to reach your end-of summer deadline.
For a book, that may mean outlining the first week, and then writing one chapter each of the following weeks. For a blog – or really any project, whether it’s a side business or something for home-improvement – determine what steps needs to get done, and then put the steps as appointments in your calendar.
When you devote even a little time each week to your summer goals, you will make steady progress. And, depending on your availability and motivation, you may even accomplish them early.
Personal Goals
For more personal projects, you still want to brainstorm, but your list may be a little different.
If your goal is to find a hobby or new sport, make a list of all the things you want to try.
Then, make an appointment with yourself to test out one a week or one a month. I know someone who wanted to find a new type of exercise, so she took classes in a different discipline each month. After six months she chose the one she liked best.
If your goal is to spend more time with your family, make an appointment for everyone to get together at least once a week. As a family, come up with a list of things you’d like to do.
Then, when you get together, pick that day’s activity from a hat.
There may be a lot you want to get done this summer, and there is plenty of time to do so. Just make a plan and stick to it. And remember to have fun in the process.
Debra Eckerling is the founder of WriteOnOnline.com, a website and community for writers, and author of Write On Blogging: 51 Tips to Create, Write & Promote Your Blog. A Project Catalyst, Debra works with individuals and small businesses to strategize, set goals, and manage their projects.