On Sunday, the California Republican Assembly endorsed Texas Sen. Ted Cruz for president.
Cruz received the required two-thirds majority on the first ballot at the group’s convention in Buena Park, the first time in 20 years a first-ballot endorsement for president has been made, according to California Republican Assembly President Tom Hudson.
“Senator Cruz won the overwhelming first ballot endorsement because he is the proven, consistent conservative,” Hudson said. “Cruz is a hero to the conservative movement and he’s right in line with what we need in California and nationwide.”
The recent death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was a factor in the endorsement, according to Michael Schroeder, a co-chair of Cruz’s California campaign and political director and a former California Republican Assembly president.
“Particularly given the recent passing of conservative icon Justice Antonin Scalia, our choice today was an easy one,” Schroeder said. ‘Everyone trusts Ted Cruz to appoint Justice Scalia’s successor.”
Tom Del Beccaro received the group’s endorsement in the race for the U.S. Senate seat being vacated by Democrat Barbara Boxer over fellow former California Republican Party Chairman Duf Sundheim.
The California Republican Assembly bills itself as the state’s oldest and largest Republican volunteer organization. The late President Ronald Reagan once described it as the “conscience of the Republican Party.”