Six people were killed in Los Angeles County traffic accidents over the 2015 New Year’s Holiday Maximum Enforcement Period and the California Highway Patrol made 236 arrests for suspicion of DUI, the CHP announced Wednesday.
The maximum enforcement period ran from 6 p.m. Wednesday (New Year’s Eve) to 11:59 p.m. Sunday, said CHP Officer Edgar Figueroa. This New Year’s period consisted of 94 hours, compared to 30 hours a year ago, Figueroa said.
One person was killed in a traffic accident in Los Angeles County during last year’s Maximum Enforcement Period and 104 were arrested by the CHP for suspicion of drunken driving.
Twenty-eight people died in collisions statewide, about double the number of deaths reported the previous New Year’s period. Statewide, the CHP made 450 arrests for suspicion of DUI, almost triple the same period last year.