I read with concern your article about Archer School’s plans to significantly change its CUP to make many changes. While I am a supporter of Archer’s goals, I believe that most of their plans are unacceptable; unfortunately, your article only tells Archer’s side of what they wish to do and is incomplete. The vast majority of Archer neighbors – long-term residents of Brentwood – are very opposed to these changes because they will be extremely detrimental to our quality of life. I suggest you read our website which details these changes and concerns [which are not included in your article published today]. Please look at: www.archerneighbors.com I would be happy to talk with you about our concerns. I have lived in Brentwood for 27 years.
David Amitai
Editor’s Note: The Brentwood News has extended an invitation to neighbors of Archer to weigh in about their concerns. Scheduling didn’t quite work out this month; be looking for something on this topic next month.
Is there anything that can be done about the food trucks that continuously park on lower Kenter Cyn?
There are now 3 trucks parking on a daily basis and the amount of people that j-walk, darting out from the trucks, is going to result in a serious accident!
Someone should be alerted. Is there anyone I could contact to assist?
Thank you, Sandra White