I just wanted to thank everyone I have worked with over the years. I have had an opportunity to do a job my wife says is “my calling.†As a Senior Lead Officer, I was able to do something I really love which shows that I’ve been truly blessed.
Now I’m moving on into the next phase of my life’s journey.
As I summit into retirement, I think back on my career as a Los Angeles Police Officer, which most of the time, I have spent as a Senior Lead Officer.
I have tried to work with the community in every way possible. And have tried to treat everyone with respect, as I have attempted to understand all the community’s issues. I believe I have treated everyone fairly. I have always tried to work hard for the community. It was a pleasure working for you.
My wife and I have been together for almost 30 years and she has lived through every up and down the department seems to put its officers through. She has dealt with the changes, and gone through everything I have. Now I’m off on the next journey with her by my side and with a truckload of things to do.
My daughter and son have watched me miss, and come late, to events over the years. But they have grown into some very special people. They understand hard work pays off and nothing comes for free. Life is a journey not measured in miles or years but in experiences.
This LAPD journey has been full of experiences, memories and nightmares. The journey, as a Senior Lead Officer, has been a glorious one. Working with the Brentwood communities has made it fantastic. The community members and my fellow Senior Lead Officers I have worked with have made it difficult for me to make the decision to leave this great job.
If you wish to say goodbye in person, come to our “West LA Community Police Station Open House†on Saturday, October 27, 2012, 12 PM to 4 PM.
Thank you to all for giving me a full LAPD Career.
Retired Los Angeles Senior Lead Officer Phillip L. Enbody
Brentwood Area
West Los Angeles Division