Brentwood Homeowners Association, or BHA, held its annual meeting at University Synagogue recently. With the 405 construction going on, it was felt that it was asking too much to have people drive up to The Getty, where the annual meeting usually takes place.
It was a lively meeting. Robert Rene gave his usual, colorful presentation; both Bill Rosendahl and Mike Feuer weighed in on issues affecting Brentwood and the rest of the Westside.
Senior Lead Officer Phil Enbody encouraged attendees to use alarms and video cameras to help guard their properties. Brentwood residents are advised to beware of “knock knock†burglaries, wherein a burglar knocks on the door to see if anyone is home. If not, in the burglar goes.
Robert Rene spoke at length about “Green Hollow Square,†the Charlie Munger proposed project that would take the place of the Barry Building, where Duttons was. Rene said “development must be planned and reasonable,†adding that the BHA was hoping to see downsizing, traffic mitigation and historical preservation included in any conversation about the project.
Rene asked for a show of hands to see how many really cared about saving the existing Barry Building. An estimated 70 percent of the full house – maybe 400 attendees – indicated saving the building was not a priority to them.
Rene said Brentwood needs to be aware that the on-and off-ramps at Wilshire and the 405 would be knocked down and replaced starting in May; in August, the Sunset Bridge project should be done; in late summer we’ll have “Carmageddon II†; and by summer of 2013 the Mulholland Bridge project should be complete.
In a separate conversation, the issue of traffic at the intersection of Barrington and Sunset became somewhat heated, with one resident saying he had to spend $1,000 a year on tires because of pothole damage.
Another speaker suggested that there should be no right turns on red lights from either Barrington Ave. or Barrington Place heading north onto Sunset. As cars continually turn right, it just makes it that much harder for eastbound cars to make progress.