Make Lemonade from Lemons Stand in Brentwood Glen – A HUGE SUCCESS
From left Julie Sorotsky, Julianna & Eric Siegel, Bronte Sorotsky back: Sandy & Elissa Siegel
On May 2nd at Ahavat Torah Temple in Brentwood Glen, Eric & Julianna Siegel along with their friend Bronte Sorotsky hosted a Lemonade Stand in conjunction with Big Sunday to raise money for the LA Times Camp Campaign Fund (
Big Sunday is the largest regional community service event in the nation and this year there were more than 500 projects conducted throughout Los Angeles benefiting 350 different organizations.
These kids invited all their friends and neighbors and sold lemonade; lemon-scented bath items donated, lemonhead candies donated by, and lemon lollipops donated by Candy Alley in Brentwood.
Thanks to the generous participation of the community, they raised just over $600-
one of the highest grossing lemonade stands in Big Sunday’s 3-year history.
In the words of Julianna ,“ We feel great that we are able to help other kids†.
In case you missed them this year, Bronte added “ It was so fun , I can’t wait to do it again.†For more information on Big Sunday please visit