At a recent Planning Commission hearing held in Van Nuys, the Archer School’s expansion plans were approved – with many limitations – by a unanimous vote.
The next step in the approval process is the Planning and Land Use Management committee. From there, assuming it is approved, the expansion plans will be voted on by the full City Council. Councilman Mike Bonin is expected to give his blessing to the project.
After years of negotiations between Archer, the Councilman, Brentwood Homeowners Association (BHA), local residents who live close to the school, and the Brentwood Community Council (BCC), it appears only a few minor issues remain to be pinned down, and nobody expects any issues to get in the way.
As a result of discussions, Archer will be able to expand its all-girls campus on Sunset, but not to the extent originally requested. It is possible school related traffic will actually go down somewhat, based on concessions made by the school.
Most agree the school already set a very high standard for traffic management; Bonin says he wants to use the Archer example and set similarly high standards for traffic to other schools in the area. School construction work will now take place over three years instead of the originally planned five years.