Friday, March 9 saw Grant Elementary School celebrate the opening of their new “Kinder Garden” created by the 15 fifth grade Girl Scouts of Troop 1285 for their Bronze Award project. The Bronze Award is the highest honor a Girl Scout Junior can achieve.
Support for the project came from the Grant PTA garden committee, sales of Girl Scout cookies, and a generous in-kind donation of soil, plants, and garden supplies from Orchard Supply Hardware’s Neighbors Helping Neighbors program.
“We wanted to help children and the environment,” shared one scout. The scouts cleared a neglected area on the kindergarten yard, built four raised beds (one for each classroom), made custom concrete stepping stones, and painted animal decorations to make the garden fun and inviting to the young students. Through this garden project, the scouts learned about project management, teamwork, permaculture, wood working and philanthropy. As a result of their efforts, 100 kindergartners each year will be able to learn science right outside of their classrooms and have regular daily access to fresh vegetables.
When the Girl Scouts reached out to Orchard Supply Hardware’s West LA Local Store Leader Brian Peacock for support to complete the project, he was eager to help.
“At Orchard Supply Hardware, our business philosophy is simple – we are, and always will be, neighbors helping neighbors – and neighbors helping communities,” Peacock said. “We take pride in being active members of the neighborhoods in which we work and live…with a special focus on community gardens, schools, and other causes that directly impact children.”
Members of the OSH team joined the scouts and Principal Dr. Jezelle Fullwood for the ceremony and will continue to help the scouts complete the planting with the kindergarten classes.
“It’s wonderful to see young women and girls serving our community and our school,” Fullwood said. “This project is especially important as we celebrate Women’s History Month and is a reflection of the dedication and hard work that they show each day.”