CRJ’s workshop on Jan.7th will feature a panel including Michael Soloff from the Housing Commission in Santa Monica, Robbie Jones (a local Black historian & activist) and Maria Loya from the Pico Neighborhood Assoc. to discuss what has been happening to housing availability & affordability in communities of color and what remedies might stabilize diverse neighborhoods. Black and Latino communities are especially threatened.
Information will be available to guide you in doing what you can to support a bill in the state assembly that can lead to strengthening rent control efforts.
The event takes place from 6 – 8:30 pm on January 7th, (though the singing group meets at 5:30pm in Thelma Terry Bldg.) The potluck supper will begin at at 6:00pm & program proper at 6:30 pm. The event is located at Virginia Avenue Park, in the Thelma Terry Building, on 2200 Virginia Ave. Santa Monica, CA 90404.