in the lead up to Valentine’s Day.
Quick – you have four minutes to impress a member of opposite sex. Sounds like a lot of pressure?
It’s called “Speed Dating,” and it’s a way for singles to connect with others. At Westfield Century City on Feb. 12 – two days before Valentine’s Day – a group of about 40 middle-aged men and women took part in this mad dash for love.
After a brief introduction, guys and gals would talk about their interests, careers, and what they are looking for in a relationship. Once the four minutes was up and the bell rang, the couples continued to play musical chairs at they went looking for love.
But can you really find a good match in four minutes? Difficult, for sure, especially in this new age of superficial values where looks and trends seem to be everything.
But May Hui, one of the organizers of the event, did consider it to go well overall.
“It was a success in that 78 percent of the attendees got at least one mutual match,” Hui said. “If anyone was overlooked we can still connect them. We had 20 women and 17 men so it was a success in the number of participants.”
According to Hui, women are generally pickier about choosing a match.
“Women want to pick guys that are confident, funny, have a good job, and are tall,” she said.
Of course, outward appearances play a major role – and this includes dress and attire.
“With speed dating you only get three to four minutes with each person so first impressions are even more important,” Hui said. “We encourage everyone to come to speed dating as if they were on a first date.”
What advice does Hui have when it comes to Speed Dating?
“Keep the conversation light and fun. Smile,” she said. “We always tell people that on their first speed dating, they might not get a lot of matches. It’s when you come back that you know what to expect so you kind of have to come again and give it another shot.”
Speed Dating has been around many years, said Hui. And as for the future?
“As long as people keep coming we’ll keep having them,” she said. “It’s a great way to meet someone organically and in a relaxed environment.”
However, a word of caution to the ladies: Prince Charmings who look perfect and say all the right things don’t exist in the real world. It’s time to see the beauty within, not just on the outside.
Or to quote Rod Serling from the Twilight Zone: “Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder.”