Los Angeles Diaper Drive is a non-profit organization that distributes approximately a million diapers a year to low-income families throughout Los Angeles through partnerships with community agencies. Since 2005, more than 33,000 families have benefited from The Los Angles Diaper Drive (LADD).
LADD partner agencies use the diapers as an incentive to encourage low-income parents into parenting, life skills, GED prep and other life-improving classes. Our partners report that attendance doubles and triples in classes where diapers are dispensed.
LADD been selected as a Regional Partner of the National Diaper Bank Network allowing them to receive two million diapers at a considerable discount for the next two years allowing them to help even more families.
LA Diaper Drive will honor the mothers in our community by partnering with the LAUSD Homeless Education Program with diaper drives at five LAUSD schools May 6-10th. Mother’s Day is a perfect time to get involved with LA Diaper Drive and assist families in need. Individuals, businesses, stores, schools and faith-based organizations can contact LA Diaper Drive and get information about how to host a diaper drive to help families in Los Angeles.
For more information: www.diaperdrive.org or contact Rhiannon Dourado at rhiannon@diaperdrive.org.