It’s the nature of politics and punditry that people start looking ahead to the next race way too early – distracting people from the job at hand today.
Lord knows, there is plenty to do right here, right now.
But more and more, people are starting to talk about what comes after Antonio Villaraigosa. It’s the nature of the beast.
Zev Yaroslavsky is said to be interested in tossing his hat into the ring to become the next mayor of Los Angeles.I think this would be great for LA, great for the Westside, great for Brentwood.
Here’s why:
• Zev has done his time, both as a city councilman and a county supervisor. He obviously knows the ropes.
• With the budget crisis a constant drag on the city, it’s important to note that Los Angeles County is actually in fairly decent financial condition, relatively speaking. As Zev likes to point out, the county, for years, has lived within its means. It’s clear Zev played a leading role in making this happen.
• Zev isn’t afraid to tackle the tough issues – raising taxes to fund transportation, tackling the plight of the homeless, pushing for reform of our juvenile justice system.
• Zev grew up on the Westside, attended UCLA, and then served as City Councilman for the 5th District (next door to Brentwood), followed by serving as our County Supervisor. They say all politics is local; Zev is one of us.
• He’s serious enough about the serious issues. But he has a sense of humor and irony, as well. These will be needed during the challenging times ahead.
• His trusted sidekick, Flora Gil Krisiloff, comes from Brentwood. If Zev gets elected, maybe she becomes part of the deal. Or maybe she tries to replace Zev. The point is, through Flora, we have quick access to Zev (although he’s already about as accessible as they come).
• That said, if he does this, Zev will need to be mayor for all of Los Angeles, not just the Westside. And this is as it should be. He is not a narrow partisan. His thinking is broad, all-encompassing. He’d make a great mayor for all of Los Angeles.
Many think Zev should have run for mayor a long time ago. But things happen for a reason. Now he’s more seasoned, more ready. But clearly, if he’s going to do this, his moment is now, not four years or eight years from now.
I speak for many, I’m sure, when I say I hope he runs. To this I would add, Zev, thanks for all you’ve done for us all these years. If you choose to run, we are with you, every step of the way. You have made us proud. Now go make all of LA proud as well.