Many thanks to everyone who attended the recent public scoping meetings for the Wilshire Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Assessment (EIR/EA). We received valuable feedback and appreciate your time and effort.
We still want to hear from you. We welcome comments throughout the study but comments during the Scoping Period – your opportunity to help shape the EIR/EA – must be received by this Friday, October 23, 2009.
Please submit your comments, using any of the following methods:
US Mail:
Martha Butler, Project Manager
One Gateway Plaza
Los Angeles, CA 90012
E-mail: wilshirebrt@metro.net
On-line: www.metro.net/wilshire. Click on “Contact Us”
Phone: (213) 922-2500
A copy of the presentation and other materials are available on our project website, www.metro.net/wilshire. Click on “News & Info”.
The Wilshire Bus Rapid Transit Project EIR/EA project – a partnership between Metro, the City of Los Angeles and Los Angeles County – is evaluating alternatives to improve bus rapid transit service along Wilshire Boulevard.
This message was sent to jessyca.avalos@lacity.org by:
Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority
1 Gateway Plaza, 25th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90012
(213) 922-6000