BRENTWOOD HISTORICAL SOCIETY honors Barbara Goldenberg and her late husband, Joe, for their contribution to renovating the Bill Goldenberg Brentwood Youth House. They did this in honor of their late son, Bill Goldenberg.
The BRENTWOOD COMMUNITY COUNCIL honored Barbara Goldenberg, one of the founders of the BCC, at the BCC’s May meeting for her extraordinary accomplishments in our community. Assemblymember Mike Feuer presented Barbara with a Certificate of Recognition from the California State Assembly as well as a beautiful plant in honor of her work as Brentwood’s environmental champion. Representatives from the offices of Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky, Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and Councilmember Bill Rosendahl also honored and congratulated her.
Brentwood literally would not look like or be the Brentwood we know today without Barbara. Through her involvement with countless community organizations, she has worked very hard for decades to create an urban forest for our community. Going back to her work with the San Vicente Design Review Board and SOS Coral trees, through her leadership with Brentwood Beautiful, Brentwood Green and as the environmental representative and founding member of the Brentwood Community Council, and of course her recent work with the Brentwood Adopt-A-Tree program and as a member of the city of L.A.’s Community Forestry Advisory Committee, Barbara has been behind the preservation and planting of hundreds, if not thousands, of trees, plants, flowers and creation of acres of green space. As a key, original member of Brentwood Green, she has been one of the recipients of awards from the City’s Environmental Affairs Department and from People for Parks.
In addition, Barbara’s heart and soul have always been with the children of Brentwood, the community in which she raised her own children. The Brentwood Science Magnet School, the Westside YMCA, and all of West L.A. have benefited from her sponsorship of the Bill Goldenberg Youth House, which she and her husband dedicated in memory of their son. The educational gardens and hundreds of trees at Brentwood Science Magnet are there because of Barbara’s creative dreams, hard work, and green thumb. She is also greatly loved by her many friends and community associates, whose respect and affection for her have made them only too happy to join with Barbara whether she’s calling for volunteers and donations, or hosting a community or political event. She is very close with her daughter, a talented chef and owner of Ammo restaurant, is a doting grandmother for her little grandson, is also active with her homeowners’ association and political events, is an accomplished tap dancer, golfer and skier, and even her good friend and college classmate, former Supreme Court justice Sandra Day O’Connor, finds it hard to keep up with Barbara.