Please make your tax-deductible contribution today!
After the red car line running along the Brentwood median was removed in the 1940s, our community resolved to plant trees where the tracks once lay.
Horticulturist Samuel Ayres and nurserymen Dave Barry and Hugh Evans persuaded the city to plant coral trees, native of South Africa, for their remarkable beauty. It’s said that the trees originally began as rooted cuttings from Hugh Evans, owner of the well-known Evans and Reeves Nursery on Barrington Ave.
Coral trees are fragile; limbs break relatively easily from their own weight and wind, and too much water can cause them to fall, exposing pedestrians and joggers on the median and traffic on San Vicente to danger.
Tree experts advise that Coral Trees need to be pruned at least once a year to insure their health and longevity. However, due to budgetary constraints, the city has cut all funding for their maintenance and care.
Brentwood Coral Tree Endowment Fund, a project of Brentwood.90049 (a 501c3 nonprofit) has been established to promote the long-term health and beauty of our Coral Trees.
Co-Chaired by Mary Ann Lewis, Jim Thomas and Bob Berglass, this community effort to protect the Coral Trees, the unique emblem of Brentwood, depends upon each of us.
All of the money raised will create the endowment to pay the cost of care and annual maintenance of the Coral Trees.
For further information
or call 310-472-1000
Contribute by check payable to:
Brentwood.90049 – Coral Tree Endowment Fund
149 S. Barrington Ave. #194
Los Angeles, CA 90049