Starting in late 2008, when the economy started going to hell, we got clobbered. We had entered into an expansion campaign right at the worst possible time. Overnight, many of our advertisers yanked their ads and, try as we might, we simply had to stop for a while.
But the people of Brentwood made it clear: They wanted their good old-fashioned newspaper back. We’ve given up our Westside magazine aspirations; we just want to produce a great little newspaper for Brentwood, the best little neighborhood on the planet.
If you are wondering about our new, smaller format, there are two key reasons for this: 1) Smaller pages translate into lower printing bills – and therefore more affordable rates for advertisers; and 2) As the world moves rapidly in the direction of iPads and other tablet computers – which I think is inevitable – it will be relatively easy to post our content to these new devices without a lot of reformatting.
If we stay incredibly lean and mean, I think we have a shot at making the Brentwood News a sustainable operation. But we can’t do it alone.
It would be very helpful if you viewed yourself as a contributing reporter. You are hereby deputized.
Go to our new website, and look for the “contribute†button at the top of the left column; we’ve made it easy to post your own stories, announcements, calendar items, photos and the like. Try it, it’s really simple.
We’ll take the best stories posted to our website each month and put them into our printed edition.
If the idea of posting stories directly online intimidates you, send an e-mail to
Despite all the “print is dead†talk, I don’t think it’s true just yet. People still like the touch and feel of a real newspaper.
In addition to helping us by writing stories, if you want to join our “Brentwood Booster Club†($39 a year), that will help us put out a paper each month and get us through this tough economy.
If advertisers can’t pay the full freight – and in this economy, that’s a real possibility – your help could make all the difference. As a Brentwood Booster, you’ll enjoy free admission to a monthly mixer we’ll be hosting at various merchants’ locations around Brentwood.
Think of this as a community barn-raising. We’re all in this together.
If you want to become a Brentwood Booster, send a check to: Brentwood News, 219 So. Barrington Ave., Suite 321, LA 90049. Every little bit makes a difference.
And if you want to advertise your business or your favorite good cause, that would be terrific. Give us a call at 310-476-NEWS (310-476-6397).
Special thanks to all of you who kept telling me you wanted the Brentwood News back. It was highly motivational during a very challenging time. We’re back now and it feels good.
As Dorothy aptly observed long ago, “There’s no place like home.â€
We’re home now.
We’ll put out this summer edition and then return in September, as a monthly.
In the meantime, I hope you will go to and tell us what’s happening in your life. Inquiring minds want to know.