The Culver City Police Department is aware of recent media reports regarding off-duty police officers participating in the acts of violence and civil unrest in Washington D.C. We wanted to take a moment to let our community know that the Police Department has no information or reason to believe that any Culver City Police Department employees participated in any way in those unlawful and violent acts, nor were any Department employees even present in Washington D.C. on the date in question.
The Culver City Police Department is aware of recent media reports regarding off-duty police officers participating in the acts of violence and civil unrest in Washington D.C. We wanted to take a moment to let our community know that the Police Department has no information or reason to believe that any Culver City Police Department employees participated in any way in those unlawful and violent acts, nor were any Department employees even present in Washington D.C. on the date in question.
Thanks and stay safe,
Chief Manny Cid