March 1, 2025

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Opinion: How Low Can You Go?

By Nick Antonicello

Instead of discussing the issues people really want to talk about like Councilman Mike Bonin’s miserable record that has ignited yet a second recall effort, just who are these people or person who tried to vandalize the residence of Katrina Schmitt, a recall advocate which has led to an investigation of this September 16th incident by the Los Angeles Police Department?

Are we to believe this is just a coincidence, that a co-organizer of the Bonin Recall effort was anonymously victimized in this fashion for no apparent reason and without logic?

For if that is the case, do you believe former US President Donald Trump had nothing to do with the actions and violence of January 6, 2021?

Schmitt, a Venice local and co-coordinator of the Recall Bonin 2021 effort is a registered Democrat who voted for Bonin and opposed the Gavin Newsom recall.

Facts the Bonin people conveniently don’t acknowledge and ignore because it doesn’t fit their disturbing world view.

Ms. Schmitt was forced to leave her home after the incident for fear of more violence just because she is trying to hold Mike Bonin accountable to his gargantuan $300,000 salary that has him the highest paid council member in the United States, more than every US Senator, US Representative and every state governor!

Not only was this evil act of violence an affront to basic democracy, but why was the address of Ms. Schmitt disseminated on the social media accounts of Mr. Bonin, as well as his 2022 campaign website?

How can this be dismissed as a mistake?

They just plucked her name out of obscurity?

That one had nothing to do with the other?

I was born at night, just not last night!

Can Mike and his Social Media allies seep any lower than this kind of campaign conduct?

Has Mr. Bonin contacted the victim of this “random” act of violence to at least inquire about her health and safety?

Does he have any empathy at all for others?

Does he not understand this kind of politics has no place in any campaign?

Has Mike Bonin called for the ouster of these individual(s) from his campaign or are we going to pretend that one had nothing to do with the other?

Are we to believe the releasing of her home address and this actual rock throwing incident that smashed her front door are separate and apart?

Just when you thought Mike Bonin’s Machiavellian ways hit rock bottom, he seems to find a trap door to turn this recall effort into some circus and confuse the residents of the 11th Council District that this signature gathering process is about anything but his inability to govern!

No politics. No partisanship, just his record of failure.

Is everyone who gladly signed these petitions racist Republicans who kneel at the altar of Donald Trump and the far right?

In fact, most are registered Democrats – just like Mike.

It is rampant homelessness and encampments, rising crime, a feeling that right is now wrong and wrong is now right is truly at the heart of this coalition of primarily Democrats disgusted with the ineffectiveness of Bonin for nearly a decade and want a change.

Change in that they want a new election and hopefully fresh and new council representation.

For this recall has nothing to do with Gavin Newsom or any other politician, but Bonin’s forces will say or do anything to make it so.  

And who attacks a woman no less in this fashion?

Can’t they pick on somebody their own size?  

Just who are these people?

For if this is not a page out of the Trump political playbook, what is?

If attacking a defenseless woman in this fashion is fair game, does one need any more reason to sign this recall petition now?The author is a member of the Rules & Selections, Outreach, Parking and Oceanfront Walk Committees of the Venice Neighborhood Council ( and can be reached at (310) 621-3775 or via e-mail at

in Opinion
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