Meeting is free to attend and residents can register online.
By Toi Creel
This week members of the public are invited to attend a virtual Culver City Public Works Community Meeting regarding the Stormwater Quality Master Plan.
The meeting will be held on June 24 from 06:00 PM – 08:00 PM. This will be the second virtual workshop meeting hosted by the Environmental Programs & Operations Division (EPO) of the Public Works Department.
The Stormwater Quality Master Plan is a plan used to “guide the City’s stormwater quality compliance strategy, prioritize best management practices, prioritize spending, identify potential project partners, and maximize grant funding opportunities,” according to CulverCity.Org.
The plan takes a look at Culver city specifically and has identified more than 400 potential project opportunities to efficiently capture and manage stormwater in the Ballona Creek Watershed.
The projects range from a series of three categories including: Best Management Practices (BMPs) or Low Impact Development (LID), Green Streets, and Regional Projects.
It was developed under the Ballona Creek Enhanced Watershed Management Plan. Because Culver City takes up 99 acre-feet of stormwater, Officials are expected to capture the majority of it complying with the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4).
The Master Plan was developed to assist in “meeting stormwater quality compliance targets, to comply with the provisions of the MS4 Permit, and to address the City’s water quality priorities.”
While the meeting is open to the public, residents and participants are encouraged to register at the City’s website. People can also learn more about environmental initiatives and more on the project.