Though the presidential campaigns are over, the City of Los Angeles is in full campaign swing for the March 5 primary elections for Mayor of Los Angeles for 11th Council District (in Brentwood) and for various other citywide offices.
The Brentwood Community Council welcomed a few of the candidates. Michael Feuer is a candidate for Los Angeles City Attorney. Feuer has represented the area since 2006 in the 42nd District of the California State Assembly.
Two candidates for the LA City Council seat being vacated by Bill Rosendahl addressed the BCC. Mike Bonin is currently Rosendahl’s Chief of Staff. Tina Hess has been a prosecutor in the City Attorney’s office for 25 years.
Steve Zimmer also visited the BCC; he is running for reelection on the LAUSD School Board.
Jack Humphreville of TargetMediaPartners, made a presentation in opposition to Proposition A, a one-half cent sales tax increase to 9.5 percent. Humphreville is in favor of budget reform over tax increases.
Representatives from Southern California Gas Company made a presentation on the new meters being retrofitted in the area in the next 8 months.
Eric Shabsis from made a presentation on the status of illegal billboards throughout Los Angeles. CBS and Clear Channel are attempting to enact retroactive legislation that would enable them to keep their digital signs throughout Los Angeles and to ignore a court’s ruling on this issue. Shabsis encouraged people to sign the petition on the website
The BCC sent a motion to the Los Angeles City Council urging the City of Los Angeles to implement the appeals court ruling to remove the 103 illegal digital billboards and to refrain from any zoning law changes that would allow such signs until there is transparent public discussion with community stakeholders.
Senior Lead Officer Maria Gray reported that two violent incidents in broad daylight occurred in the late morning hours on Anita Ave. Women moving their trashcans from the curb were assaulted with pepper spray. One woman was severely injured when the perpetrator forcibly stole her wedding rings. The victim suffered facial injuries and required extensive surgery on her hand.
In response to these incidents, the BCC has sent a letter to Councilman Bill Rosendahl resolving to ask the Los Angeles City Council to post a reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the perpetrator or perpetrators.
Elections were held for the Brentwood Community Council. The only change in the board is that Marylin Krell will replace Isaac Cohen. The executive board is as follows: Chair – Nancy Freedman; Vice Chair – Larry Watts; Treasurer – Brian Gordon; and Non-Officer Member – Marilyn Krell.
The BCC is offering a Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training class this spring. For more information or to register email
The BCC meets the first Tuesday of the month at 7PM at the Kaufman Public Library 11820 San Vicente. The public is welcome.