I’m a longtime resident of Brentwood, since 1951, some 61 years. I have witnessed most if not all of the changes which have gone on concerning the San Vicente business district. As you so well know, at present, there’s a lot of emotion about the Barry Building. But keeping it or incorporating it into Charlie Munger’s, Green Hollow Square is a “lousy†idea. There are no architectural redeeming qualities, as I see it…..it’s design, to me, is non-descript.
We have a ton of these old buildings up in my home town of Vallejo as well as around LA and they do absolutely nothing to enhance the character or future LA or for Vallejo’s downtown for that matter…..in fact these older buildings can be a detriment to the appearance of the business community. Charlie Munger’s Green Hollow Square (without the Barry Bldg) will be a fine addition to Brentwood and the business community here. Therefore, I would strongly urge not incorporating the Barry Bldg., in any shape or form, into Green Hollow Square and its development by Charlie Munger. His development of Green Hollow, will be a “class†operation.
William E. Trumbull, M.D.
Alfred’s Trees
I just wanted to write a letter of support for Alfred and his trees.
I ran into him today, previously unsure what the intention was behind his art. At first I thought he did it just to see if people would even notice or were too distracted to even see art popping up around them. Then, I started seeing the evolution of themes in the artwork and was always curious who was behind it…and why…?
It was awesome in my conversation with him today to find out that the whole process started four years ago simply as one man’s efforts to water and save five dying trees that he couldn’t stand to see suffer. In saving the trees, his art literally blossomed.
How wonderful that someone would take it upon himself in his free time to help save five little trees and help beautify Brentwood with his whimsicality at the same time.
I support his efforts and hope that Brentwood will come together to support both him and the trees he loves.
Thank you,
Shana Meyerson
Ah yes, another Sunday of congested traffic, parking battles, jay walkers and the endless horn honking. This is what I have to look forward to as a nearby resident of the Brentwood Farmers Market. What started out as a quaint early morning group of flower, fruit and vegetable stands has blossomed into an all day carnival/swap meet. The result is a line up of stopped cars, blocked traffic lanes and irritated drivers trying to get through San Vicente Boulevard. Not to mention the danger to the jay walking pedestrians. I am interested to know if anyone else feels the same.
Peter Thomas
47 years Brentwood