On Sunday, June 12, 2011 Sheryl Gay Stolberg wrote a piece entitled, “Naked Hubris When It Comes to Scandal, Girls Won’t Be Boys” in which she explained why we likely won’t learn about the lewd tweeting or other bad behavior of female congressional members. It’s not because they’re more tech savvy and discreet, it’s because, “Women have different reasons for running, are more reluctant to do so and, because there are so few of them in politics, are acutely aware of the scrutiny they draw — all of which seems to lead to differences in the way they handle their jobs once elected” posits Stolberg in the New York Times.
And so, in 1985 Ellen Malcolm apparently already knowing this, started EMILY’s List to recruit and train pro-choice, progressive women to run for office. The group has raised $82,705,257.00 since then. One of the candidates to whom their money is going this year is Councilwoman Janice Hahn who is facing off against Craig Huey to win the 36th district’s congressional seat in the July 12, 2011 special election. As part of their support, EMILY’s List president Stephanie Schriock made a visit to the elegant Santa Monica home of George-Ann Hyams to address a group of supporters on June 15, 2011; serendipitously the same day that an anti Hahn video was released by an independent group calling itself “Turn Right USA” Attendees were ‘treated’ to the puerile video criticizing Hahn’s anti-gang efforts after which guests heard off-the-record comments by both Schriock and Hahn about the distraction caused by the video… and the $30,000.00 the Hahn campaign raised (with the able assist of Emily’s List) thanks to its release.
The video, like the Weiner scandal, proves that while negative campaigning may triumph, adolescent, narcissistic behavior like the videos they produce end up being self-defeating.
For more information on EMILY’s List: www.emilyslist.org
For more information on Janice Hahn: www.janicehahn.com
For more information on Hahn’s opponent, Craig Huey: www.craighuey.com