The Mechanicals Theatre Group, a professional acting company (Los Angeles) presents The Elephant Man by Bernard Pomerance, directed by Neil Patrick Stewart, assistant directed by Jordan Belfi (Entourage) and produced by company member Monica Raymund (Lie To Me, The Good Wife).
The performances will take place April 14th – May 15th (Fridays and Saturdays at 8pm and Sundays at 7pm) at the Pico Playhouse, 10508 W Pico West Los Angeles. T
For tickets (avaialable March 19, 2012; $15, $20 at the door):
The cast features Michael Matthys, Johnnie Newman, Cynthia Beckert, Rachael Meyers, Daniel Jimenez, Bonnie Kathleen Ryan and company members Richard Gilbert-Hill and Mouchette van Helsdingen.
The Mechanicals Theatre Group was founded in 2003 by graduates of the Los Angeles County High School for the Arts with a mission to present socially and culturally relevant work to entertain and enlighten the community at large.
For more information: