“Captive” is a classic psychological thriller, with a timely storyline of political intrigue amidst terrorism and captivity. The novel follows the interaction between an Islamic terrorist and his interrogator. Woven throughout the taught storyline are flashes of violent or risqué interactions, as the characters are challenged to overcome the consequences of past decisions and their own weaknesses. Religions don’t kill; people kill.
Captive will be the BitTorrent’s first book release and addresses rapidly growing demand for quality books within their 100 million plus strong community. The premier book release comes on of Bit Torrent’s successful release of numerous music, film and episodic content as part of BitTorrent’s Artist Spotlight program.
“The message belongs to the street, not the elite,†says Jones. “I’m very excited to be partnering with BitTorrent to reach an audience that’s both active and engaged with content creators and publishers. Hopefully we can demonstrate a new media model that benefits all.â€
See the book on Bit Torrent at:
And, sign up for information about and updates on the sequel due in 2012 at: http://meganlisajones.com/sequel.html