No matter your age or level of fitness, it’s Naam’s brithday and they invite everyone in the community to try a service — for free.
The Open House at Naam Yoga, 1231 4th Street in downtown
Santa Monica will offer:
• 12+ hours of FREE Yoga and Movement Classes: Zumba, Gyrokenisis, Pilates, Yoga for Spinal Health, Candlelight Vinyasa, Naam Yoga, Shakti Naam and special Full Moon Workshop
• 9:00am-9:00pm Free Universal Kabbalah Consults (Find out the day of the week you were born to reveal what your planetary influences are and how they affect you everyday!
• Chair Massages are $10 each and offered: 10:00am–12:00pm and 5:00pm – 7:30 pm
For a full class schedule and more information: