ROBBERY……..Taking property by force or fear
14800 Pacific Coast Hwy, 5/19/12 at 7:55 PM. The suspects (#1 Male Hispanic, 5’5″ 205 lbs, 20/25 years, #2 Female Hispanic, brown hair brown eyes, 5’1″ 150 lbs, 20/25 years) entered victim’s business and took two cases of beer. The suspects exited the business without paying for the beer. When confronted, suspect #1 punched the store clerk several times. The suspects then fled in a vehicle.
RD 824
GRAND THEFT AUTO ………. Lock your vehicle, and set your alarm………
BURGLARY/THEFT from MOTOR VEHICLE …….Never leave anything inside your vehicle…….
600 East Channel Rd, btwn 5/18/12 at 8 PM and 5/19/12 at 9 AM. The suspect smashed a window on victim’s vehicle and took a briefcase.
RD 824
BURGLARY …..Always lock your home and business and set your alarm….
1000 El Medio, btwn 5/14/12 at 11 PM and 5/15/12 at 5 AM. The suspect pried open a window to enter victim’s home and took money and music CDs.
RD 811
1000 Palisair Pl, 5/15/12 btwn 1 AM and 6 AM. The suspect entered victim’s home and took a purse, money, and jewelry.
RD 811
600 Alma Real, btwn 5/13/12 at 9 PM and 5/14/12 at 8 AM. The suspect forced open a window on victim’s home office and took a computer and a golf club.
RD 823
THEFT …….Construction sites are being broken into, be on the look out….
Grand Theft:
Petty Theft:
17300 Sunset Bl, 5/17/12 btwn 6:05 PM and 6:10 PM. The suspect entered victim’s unlocked office and took a wallet, money, and iPhone.
RD 811
1500 Palisades Dr, 5/16/12 btwn 10 AM and 2:20 PM. The suspect smashed a window on victim’s vehicle.
RD 801
16500 Sunset, btwn 5/11/12 at 4:30 PM and 5/14/12 at 8:05 AM. The suspect threw a watermelon at victim’s vehicle causing a dent.
RD 822