Free, quality education is a necessity for people of color and all poor and working class students. Now, schools face a bipartisan attempt to replace teaching and developing critical minds with institutions that produce an army of digital wage slaves. Corporations are eager to grab billions in school funds for themselves.
Dr. Steven Strauss, Baltimore neurologist, former linguistics professor and Freedom Socialist writer will discuss why capitalism will not allow quality education for all, and how socialism can provide for everyone.
A Spring supper, with vegetarian option, will be served at 6:30pm for an $8 donation. Sliding scale & work exchanges available. The program will be held at Solidarity Hall, 2122 W. Jefferson Blvd., Los Angeles, off the 10 freeway at Arlington, on bus lines 38 and 209. Disabled accessible.
Sponsored by the Freedom Socialist Party. For more information, call 323-732-6416 or email