The meeting started with Student Awards to 5 Students. Not only were they presented beautiful recognition awards from the City, but by Fran Pavley, Brentwood’s State Senator, and Mike Feuer, Brentwood’s State Assemblyman whose reps (Kara Seward and Ellen Issacs) presented them. Loretta Ditlow was given flowers as she is stepping down from the responsibility of the committee which she started 10 years ago.
A motion regarding Board dues was presented to have $200 dues for each Board Rep. HOA’s would pay $200 from the organization, others who apply for positions would pay $100 individually. Discussion was held, a vote was taken and passed. The new billing will begin for 2012.
Phil Enbody spoke to the amount of crime going on…a lady was tied up and robbed in her store in the Palisades. Several break ins during the day…no one hurt, but they are getting bolder.
Los Angeles Controller, Wendy Greuel, spoke about her position and explained what her job entails. She said people don’t often know, so she talked about auditing City departments which have to be trimmed down. She invited questions and was thanked for coming to Brentwood to share her responsibilities with us.
There will be a hearing on the City Sign Ordinance on Tuesday, October 18. Attendees from the community are asked to attend and speak to the intrusion of signs in our daily life in Los Angeles. This is an opportunity to tell our council members that this ordinance must make our quality of life better, not more lit up! (FYI…I think they actually have a loophole to include signs in parks, but the ordinance is out if you want to read it.)
Amy Kalp, Co Chair of the PPCC Police/Traffic/Fire Issues spoke about the noisy motorcyclists who travel Sunset late at night and the disturbance it is to residents. She and her group are working on ways to abate the noise and requested that interested Brentwood people on Sunset contact her.
Joaquin Macias announced that there are security cameras at Barrington Park now to try to quell late night basketball under the stars. A committee will be meeting with the DOT to continue to iron out the Darlington/San Vicente stop light fiasco. And, still no answer as to why the light at Montana and Barrington hasn’t been connected.
Monday, Oct. 24 is a Preparedness Night (according to a flyer attached- if I can’t attach it, I will send it separately) presented at University Synagogue by residents who have a comprehensive program on Anita, Medio and Carmelina in Brentwood.
A WRAC motion was tabled regarding a request for an EIR for a project being built in the Marina by the County.