The New Short Fiction Series, Los Angeles’ longest running spoken word series, continues its 15th Anniversary Season with Cynthia Adam Prochaska’s Doing Jason Manly and other stories.
The performance stars spoken word artist Sally Shore, with guest cast Jessica Hopper (House), Dian Kobayashi (Dynasty) and Buckley Samspon (Destined to Fail, According to Jim). The Writers Junction is located at 1001 Colorado Avenue., Santa Monica, 90401. Performances begin at 7:00 pm, admission is $10.00 with advance purchase, $15.00 at the door. Seating is limited, advance purchase tickets recommended.
For advance tickets and program information: or call 866-811-4111.
The New Short Fiction Series is a member of The Pasadena Arts Council’s EMERGE Fiscal Sponsorship Program.