The Blue Whale, in Little Tokyo at 123 astronaut East South Onizuka Street, Suite 301 in downtown Los Angeles welcomes the Little Necks for two sets — 8:30pm and 10:00pm — opens the Angel City Jazz Festival on September 22, 2011 .
For tickets: $20 for one set or $30 for both:
About Little Necks
With Chris Abrahams on piano, Tony Buck on drums, and Lloyd Swanton on bass The Necks conjure a chemistry together that defies description in orthodox terms. Their lengthy pieces slowly unravel in a most mesmerizing fashion, while frequently underpinned by an insistent deep groove. The deceptive simplicity of their music throws forth new charms on each hearing. The fifteen albums by The Necks stand up to re-listening time and time again. Not entirely avant-garde, nor minimalist, nor ambient, nor jazz, the music of The Necks is unique in the world today.