Many situations in life require people to make decisions that will change the course of their lives whether or not we are familiar with the situation and have all necessary facts in order to do so rationally. Stressful huh!
We make decisions all the time. The question is; are we making quality decisions, or decisions based on emotions or judgments? Decisions are the key for our personal and career success, and people need to understand the importance of learning how to make quality decision in life.
Decision-making is an important life skill that allows people to face challenges, opportunities, and uncertainties, while helping them find quality solutions without losing time or energy. It also increases dramatically the chances of success by helping people to feel more in control of their lives, and providing opportunities that move them toward accomplishing their career or personal goals.
If life is presenting you with a situation in which you have to make an important decision, I invite you to put in practice the following steps to make sure you make the best decision.
1) Identify the problem – By identifying the problem, you will have a clear understanding of the problem you have in hand or the decision you need to make.
2) Identify your alternatives – In this step, you have to identify your alternatives and select the ones you think are the best for you.
3) Evaluate the alternatives – In this step, you have to analyze and evaluate all the alternatives you selected. Try to think outside of the box. Take the alternatives you have selected and analyze them carefully to see the pros and cons of each one of them.
4) Make a decision – This step is the most important, yet difficult one. Once you have analyzed all your alternatives, and have selected the one you think is the best for you, it is time for you to make a decision.
5) Implement your decision – After making a decision, you need to take action and implement that decision. According to Dee Reavis from, a decision has no value unless it is implemented.
Putting in practice a good decision- making process can contribute enormously to the decisions you have to make. By taking the time to apply a good decision-making process, you will feel more confident and can rest assure that you are making a planned and well-analyzed decision; a decision not based on emotions or judgments, but on facts, evidence, reason, and options.
Remember; “in any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is… nothing.†~ Theodore Roosevelt ~
About the Author:
Marielys Camacho-Reyes has over ten years of experience in the human resources field. Her working experience along with her educational background has given her the necessary tools to guide individuals to discover their full potential and to complete their career or personal goals. If you would like to receive a one-time free coaching session visit her website at