The show, hosted by fashion designer and TV personality Nick Verreos, will feature some of the hottest fashion lines and designers in LA including: Frankie B., by Daniella Clarke; J. Steger, by Jason Steger; Eva Franco; and Safir, by Sanaz Afsar.
The evening will benefit critical environmental and health services aimed to promote clean air and address leading chronic lung diseases, including asthma and COPD.
“My father is a 13-year lung cancer survivor, so lung health is very important to me. I’m thrilled to be hosting an event that showcases innovative fashion designers and raises money for an innovative organization like BREATHE LA,†Nick Verreos stated.
Designer Daniella Clarke also has a personal reason to participate in the Attire to Inspire fundraiser. Her husband, rocker Gilby Clarke has suffered from asthma since he moved to LA as a teenager.
“Gilby always has to carry an inhaler with him everywhere he goes, and as a family it can be frightening at times if his inhaler has been left at home and he has a sudden attack. We’ve actually had to take him to the emergency room for treatment,†Daniella said. “I’m constantly thinking about how frustrating it must be for him that something as natural as breathing is so difficult.â€
BREATHE LA started as the Los Angeles Society for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis. The organization reinvented itself in 2006 as BREATHE LA as part of a new statewide effort to advance lung-health programs and policies that best serve and involve local communities.
BREATHE LA environmental programs touch thousands of youth and establish a constructive forum between political, business, and community leaders. Lung health programs help Los Angeles County residents of all ages, especially those who live in underserved communities, identify, manage and treat conditions such as asthma and COPD.
Attire to Inspire will raise funds for these programs while providing patrons with an evening of fashion runway action with pre-and post-show time for cocktails and socializing. Los Angeles City Councilwoman Jan Perry, a longtime supporter of BREATHE LA, will also honor the organization at the event in recognition of its five years of impacting air quality and lung health throughout Los Angeles County.
“BREATHE LA is a ‘young’ old organization, and having a trendsetting fashion show is the perfect analogy to how our 100 years of experience ‘walks the runway’ of the latest in air quality advocacy and lung disease treatment,†Attire to Inspire Chair and BREATHE LA Board member Michael Arlen said.
Attire to Inspire will take place at Hollywood’s Siren Studios at 6063 W. Sunset Blvd. Tower 2, with cocktails at 6:30 p.m. and the fashion show starting promptly at 7:00 p.m. Tickets are $125.
For more information, contact Christine Smith at (323)935-8050 x233 or
For more information on Breathe LA see: