What would you say if I tell you that you have the power to control your destiny and to create a better future for yourself just by thinking and focusing on the things you really want to achieve in life? You can. The brain is the body’s most powerful electromagnetic “tool†and with its help, you can break or destroy negative cycles to be able to create a life full of happiness, love and abundance.
This principle is commonly known as the law of attraction. It refers to the popular belief that your feelings and thoughts have a tremendous impact in your life and that as a fully capable individual, you can create and mold your own reality by managing your thoughts and emotions.
Some people do not believe in this “famous spiritual power,†and they think of it as a myth or as a fairy tale. Others do believe in it and think that in one way or another, the law of attraction is the responsible force for their good or bad life experiences.
If you want to create a better future for you and those around you, you may have to learn how to control your thought and train them to always stay positive in order for you to accomplish your dreams and to get whatever you want in life. However, do not expect your dreams to become a reality if you do not do something about it. In other word, do not confuse the law of attraction with the law of inaction.
Here are four law of attraction secrets that you can use for shifting your thoughts and emotions into a more positive and optimistic direction:
1. Positive thinking: People who think positive, attract positive outcomes into their lives.
2. Visualization: Always visualize yourself enjoying the fruits of your success.
3. Affirmation: Avoid the “no, I can’t†statements. Creating positive statements and repeating them as often as needed will help you reengage your mind to maintain an optimistic and cheerful attitude.
4. Hard work: Working hard to achieve your goals may sound like a common sense advise, but the truth is that people sometimes forget that in order to achieve goals or make dreams a reality, they have to work hard and make sacrifices.
The bottom line is; if you learn how to manipulate your thought and manage to have a positive and optimistic attitude toward life, you can become the creator of your own satisfying and fulfilling life experiences. But remember, the law of attraction would not work if it is not combined with another powerful force called “the law of hard work.†Thinking about what you want, staying focused and positive and at the same time working hard to accomplish your dreams will be the key for your success.
About the Author:
Marielys Camacho-Reyes is a graduate Psychology student at the University of Phoenix, a Career Coaching student at the Coach Training Alliance, and a member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF). If you would like to receive a one-time free coaching session visit her website at www.mcrcareerdevelopmentcoaching.com