According to TIME Magazine, counting one�s blessings is the #1 path to finding happiness; the problem is we all forget to do this particularly in today�s economic landscape, a seemingly never ending war, more than 10% of Americans are jobless, and every day life. From the creator/inventor of the wildly popular game, �Balderdash� (more than 15 million copies sold), Laura Robinson and co-author, Elizabeth Bryan, a Southern California resident, comes the next installment of the #1 best selling book series of all time, �Chicken Soup for the Soul: Count Your Blessings�. The book, and Count Your Blessings board game is vintage �Chicken Soup for the Soul� and is originally co-authored by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen and Amy Newmark.
The book contains more than 100 contributed stories of thankfulness amidst life�s rough patches. These �mompreneurs� developed the board game based on the book that focuses on finding the silver lining in all of life�s scenarios. Together, they offer inspirational stories about navigating life�s toughest challenges by finding blessings -in-disguise. From illness to foreclosures to family fortitude, there�s a story in this book that will leave a lasting impression on everyone�s heart. With the book selling for $14.95, and the game�s suggested retail price of $24.99, it�s still easy to find �silver linings�� even this holiday season. A great holiday gift to inspire the whole family to count their blessings. Look for the book and game, which is eco-friendly and made from recycled material, to launch in November. To find a game retailer near you � or to play the online version – visit or, to purchase the book and game visit
These two moms are committed to creating Twitter�s �Largest Suite of Gratitweets�� by getting families to �tweet� about things that make them feel grateful. The pair will also offer their own �gratitweets� about life�s daily challenges. To join Laura and Elizabeth in their �gratitweet� mission, you can follow them on Twitter at �Gratitweets��. Playing the game and reading the book gives the audience a lasting benefit; a new attitude about life and a lesson on the importance of silver linings.
About the Game:
The game uses clever copy and engaging logic to get players to go from �tired to inspired, frazzled to dazzled and stressed to blessed� by navigating challenging (and often funny) real life scenarios about health, home life, work, school, and finances. Players can head to the Thank Tank and hear why losing their phone could be a reason to �cell-abrate,� or try on the Bright Side Glasses and �see� a ripped pair of pants in a �hole� new light! Here are a few sample questions:
What are three positive things to �cough up� about having the flu?
1. You�ll get to miss school or work and finish that novel on your bedside table
2. You�ll take lots more vitamins, boost your immune system and get healthier in the long run
3. For once, you are the center of attention in your family!
What are three �silver linings� that turn a fractured elbow into a �lucky break?�
You learn how to adapt and do things with your other hand
You have to quit the volleyball team, but join a choir instead and find out you have a stellar voice
You don�t have to take out the garbage for at least six weeks!
What are three silver linings you can �fire off� about losing your job?
You get a great severance package and can take a well deserved and needed break
Your job sucked and you hated your boss � now you can find something you LOVE to do
Your kids will get to see you more � they miss you!
About Chicken Soup for the Soul:
Chicken Soup for the Soul Publishing, LLC, publishes all the latest titles in the famous Chicken Soup for the Soul book series which are distributed through Simon and Schuster, Inc. Since 1993, books in the series have sold more than 112 million copies, with titles translated into more than 40 languages.
The �Chicken Soup for the Soul: Count Your Blessings Game� is manufactured and distributed by Family Games World, an educational and environmentally conscious game company that promotes �learning through laughter.� With Family Games, Laura and Elizabeth continue their mission of helping families everywhere with the forthcoming launch of �Win-Win,� a new game inspired by the bestselling �7 Habits� series of books.