The world-renowned Fratello Marionettes from San Francisco will be presenting their production of The Frog Prince. This production will feature the handcrafted marionettes of The Fratello Marionettes. Following The Frog Prince, The Fratello Marionettes will be presenting a several selections from their Vaudeville Follies show. This program is geared for children of all ages. They will be appearing at The Santa Monica Puppetry Center on September 12th & 13th at 3:00pm located at 1014 Broadway, Santa Monica. 310-656-0483 Tickets are $7.50 and seating is limited.
About the Artist
The Fratello Marionettes began entertaining audiences in 1989 by bringing the ancient art of marionettes to audiences throughout the world. We have toured extensively throughout the United States, and have performed internationally on luxury cruise lines.
The Fratello Marionettes produce high quality marionette shows using the “cabaret style†of manipulation. The “cabaret style†of manipulation is a truly American style where the puppet and puppeteer perform in full view of the audience. Our shows present intricately handcrafted marionettes that range in size from one foot to three feet tall. Our shows are geared for children of all ages, and some of our work is performed without dialog. These music-based programs are designed to surmount the language barrier and reach the non-English speaking audiences too.
About the Program
The Frog Prince is a German fable best known from the Brothers Grimm version. This popular short story was written in the 1800’s. The magical fable demonstrates being kind towards others; why it is important to follow directions, and demonstrates how one’s selfish actions can affect others.
“The Frog Prince†is the story of a spoiled princess who discovers a frog in the well near the castle. Unbeknownst to the princess, the frog is a cursed prince punished for his vanity by a mystical witch. Watch how the princess’ broken promises, and her own vanity, change her life forever.