Participants will train their minds in present time awareness by bringing attention to the breath and body and our inner-relationship to the pleasant and unpleasant physical, emotional and mental states that arise.
This type of meditation allows practioners to gradually understand the truth of the constantly changing nature of all things and how to respond with compassion and friendliness to the inevitably difficult experience of being human.
This retreat is suitable for both beginning and experienced meditators. Meditation instructions will be offered in both sitting and walking practice.
Registration: $40-$65 (sliding scale) plus dana to the teacher.
No one will be turned away for lack of funds. Please call or write for info on work study and scholarships.
Noah Levine, author of Dharma Punx, Against the Stream, and The Heart of the Revolution is a Buddhist teacher, author and counselor. Trained as a teacher by Jack Kornfield of Spirit Rock Meditation Center in Woodacre, CA, he also holds an MA in counseling psychology.
Noah is the founding teacher of Against the Stream Buddhist Meditation Society, with a center in Los Angeles and over 20 affiliated groups around North America. He teaches meditation classes, workshops and retreats internationally and serves on the board of directors of the Buddhist Recovery Network.