WT: How has making Hello, Herman changed your approach to parenting your son?
MD: I don’t know if it’s changed my approach but it certainly has raised my awareness. I make sure I don’t get caught up in the express lane that life can sometimes be. I catch myself texting and I stop. I make sure I take the time to really connect with my sons.
WT: What was the best part of making this film? The worst?
MD: I don’t think there was a worst part. When you’re lucky enough to be making a movie you feel gratitude for that. Especially when you have the cast and crew that came together to make Hello Herman…. They were a group of extraordinarily talented and gifted people. For a director, the anticipation of shooting a scene and the thrill you get when you say “Action” is worth whatever difficulties you encounter on the way. The adrenaline you feel on set when you start to see your vision come to life is the best thing of all along with that jolt in your gut when you call “Action”.
WT: How are you distributing the film?
MD: We’re talking to distributors right now and knock wood, there’s interest. We’re hoping for a Summer or Fall release in 2012
WT: I presume that every director takes their work home with them. If this is so, how did your behavior/views toward hearing or watching the news change after shooting one of the violent scenes in the film?
MD: I am very disciplined in that way. When I commit to something I commit 100%. but there’s a moment when you say it’s a wrap for the day. When I’m home, I’m home with my children. However I’d be lying to you if I said that I don’t wake up in the night thinking about a shot, a line of dialogue, a specific moment in the movie. Yes, in that way your mind is going 24/7. Every time I hear about a school shooting or a bullying act that results in a tragedy, it saddens me that the movie we made is and continues to be timely.
For more information on “Hello, Herman”: www.facebook.com/pages/Hello-Herman/195720583782029
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For more information on Danner: http://michelledanner.com