In this new comedy by playwright Richard Atkins, the ancient Chinese game of mah jongg becomes the emotional conduit
for a group of mature Jewish men dealing with the loss of the women in their lives. When one of the men discovers his wife’s mah jongg set, he convinces his pals to try the game, and their lives are turned around. Playing in secret once a week, they delve into their sensitive, feminine sides – discussing such topics as old age, forgetfulness and loss. Through this traditionally female game, the men find that they are able to offer one another hope, nourishment and laughter. The play has been described as inspired hilarity disguised in a heartfelt life lesson.
Reservations and information: 310-364-0535
Mon-Sat 8 PM; Sun 2PM – no perf. Sept. 17th, Added Perf. Sun Sept. 26th at 7 PM