The classic tale of the Princess and the Pea is retold by Pocket Full of Tales Theatre Company this February in North Hollywood. The Princess and the Pea is a highly entertaining version of Hans Christian Andersen’s very short story.
After an adventurous journey, meeting a number of rather unusual princesses, the prince still has not found his bride and his mother has given him only 3 more days or she will choose one herself. So he decides to head into the woods, just in case he’s missed one of these fine maidens. In the midst of his search, he meets a witch and two girls she has under her horrible powers. Suspicious about any princess who lives in the woods – the Queen plans to give them all the “Real Princess Test.” She secretly places a small, dried pea under a huge stack of mattresses.
If one of them can feel that one little pea through all those layers of bedding, she is a “Princess of the Truest Princessness,” and worthy to marry into the royal family.
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