Westfield Century City has acted as an unexpected oasis of fitness and exercise in recent months through the mall’s al fresco workouts featuring instructors and gurus leading classes and promoting healthier lifestyles.
Today, Jan. 28, fitness icon Tracy Anderson will be partnering with Westfield and hosting her first-ever multi-channel Tracy Anderson Method at Westfield Century City as well as Westfield Topanga.
With devotees including Victoria Beckham, Jennifer Lopez, and Gwyneth Paltrow, the Tracy Anderson Method will be complimentarily introduced to locals who are interested in partaking in Anderson’s class.
In light of her new launch of streaming classes, Westfield Century City will be streaming Anderson’s workouts from her flagship studio in Brentwood. A representative from the Tracy Anderson Method will be at Westfield to serve as a guide to the mass workout session.
In addition to the representative, Anderson herself will be making a special personal appearance at the Century City event to take pictures with fans and conduct a meet-and-greet.
“I am so excited to introduce my new global real-time video streaming to the Westfield community with an unprecedented multi-channel fitness party,” Anderson said. “Together we are going to shop and sweat in the most innovative way possible.”
Participants must RSVP in order to attend the complimentary classes.
At the event, attendees will receive gift bags and have the opportunity to shop Tracy Anderson merchandise and dine from Anderson-approved menu options from neighboring Westfield restaurants.
Anderson opened a brand-new studio in Brentwood, which joined her three other studio locations.
She has designed numerous fitness solutions and tech innovations to further promote healthy exercise, including the patented Iso-Kinetic Band System, the Hybrid Body Reformer, and the Sprung AB Block. Anderson has also created a meal replacement shake and a nutrient program.
The workout sessions will take place at 6 pm on Jan. 28 at the Center Court near Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf at Westfield Century City.
Westfield Century City is located at 10250 Santa Monica Blvd.
For more information, visit tracyanderson.com or westfield.com/centurycity.